Minutes of Regular School Board Meeting

February 8, 2005

7:00 PM




Location:            District Office, Gander




Mr. Bill Sceviour (Chair)                                     Mr. Randell Mercer, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                  Mr. Charlie McCormack

Mr. Randy Edison                                                  Ms. Claudine Wells

Mr. Terry Brown                                                  Ms. Marina Hewlett

Mr. Scott Pritchett                                                            Ms. Bonnie Lane-McCarthy

Mr. Gerald Hounsell

Ms. Carolyn Andrews

Ms. Lisa Wheeler                                                          




Ms. Linda Cutler                                                   Mr. Shawn Brace                                                               

1.            Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.


2.         Minutes of Meetings


            2.1            Regular Meeting – December 14, 2004


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the December 14, 2004 as circulated. (Hounsell/Wheeler).  Carried


            2.2            Regular Meeting – January 18, 2005


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the January 18, 2005 as circulated. (Pritchett/T. Brown).  Carried




3.            Business Arising


            3.1            CSBA Conference (Halifax)


This conference was attended by Bill Sceviour, Scott Pritchett, Carolyn Andrews, Gerald Hounsell, Randy Edison and Randell Mercer.  It was reported that the session on ‘Rural Schools’ was quite good.  Also commentary on ‘Nutrition’ session was positive.


It was noted that trustees would like to obtain a copy of the presentation on Rural Schools as presented by Albert Trask.


A presentation on the concept of Public Health Nurses located in and fully associated with schools was interesting.  This is a model recently being introduced in some Nova Scotia schools.


3.2            Board Retreat


Trustees commented that the session was very positive.  The attendance was great and everyone applied themselves to the task at hand.


Also, the fact that materials were prepared before hand really enhanced the process.


4.         Reports


            4.1            Executive Committee (Bill Sceviour)


A copy of the January 25, 2005 Executive Committee Meeting Minutes was handed to members for perusal.


The Transparency and Accountability Act was discussed.  Some members requested that a copy of the Act be made available to them.


It was noted that minutes are made available on the trustee website.


4.2            Finance & Property Committee (Scott Pritchett)


Motion:            to dispose of land in Gambo, old Smallwood Academy, by public tender.  (Pritchett/Hounsell).  Carried.


Motion:            to accept the Audited Financial Statement to August 31, 2004 for District 5 as presented by Blair Jewer, CA.  (Pritchett/C. Brown).  Carried.


Motion:            to accept the Audited Financial Statement to August 31, 2004 for District 6 as presented by Walters/Hoffe.  (Pritchett/Wheeler).  Carried.


Motion:            to accept the Financial Committee report as presented.  (Pritchett/Housell).  Carried.


4.3            Governance & System Review Committee (Terry Brown)


Terry presented a report on the discussion that had taken place in the Governance & System Review Committee Meeting.


Some discussion took place on the proposed electoral zones.  There were queries as to the breakdown of the zones.  This discussion was a follow-up to the Board Retreat discussion.


Motion:            to accept the proposed electoral zones as presented at a prior meeting.  (T. Brown/Andrews).  Carried.


4.4            Programming & Personnel Committee (Carolyn Andrews)


The Programs/Personnel Committee Meeting is scheduled for February 16th, 2005, 5:30 PM at Grand Falls.  They are also recommending that the School Board/Teacher Liaison Meeting take place on Wednesday, February 23rd.


During the last meeting, we viewed the v-class system utilized by CDLI.  Bob Hipditch and Morris Cooze gave an excellent presentation.


4.5       Social Strategic Plan – Central Regional Steering Committee (Randy Edison)


Randy gave an update on the work of CRSC.  He discussed the proposed new model for the Social Strategic Committee.


Charlie noted the many positive projects that District 6 had experienced through the efforts of CRSC.  Its contribution to education was also noted.  It was suggested that Charlie draft a letter for the Chair to forward to government showing support for CRSC.  This is important since this structure is currently under review.


4.6            Director’s Report


Mr. Mercer made a presentation to the Minister of Finance on February 7, 2005 and the Minister of Education (as did other Directors).  Some key points addressed were:


-     Teacher Allocation

-     System Administration Cost

-     Capital Investment in School Infrastructure


·           Operational challenges in the district were presented.  Issues relating to special education and its weak correlation to teacher allocation was noted.  A recommendation to revise the allocation formula was proposed.

·           Concerns regarding funding for board administration was also presented.

·           The capital planning needs for Nova Central were also demonstrated.


Following this meeting the Directors continued a meeting with the Department of Education Executive.  Discussion included the new Transparency and Accountability Act and the upcoming school board election process.


            4.7            NLSBA News (Bill Sceviour) – covered under 6.2 below


6.2            NLSBA Proposal


Mr. Mercer gave an overview of the motions that are proposed with respect to the future of NLSBA.  Our district has proposed 3 motions.


1.            That Nova Central School Board supports the continuance of a reconstituted Newfoundland and Labrador School Boards Association whose mandate would be to serve as the advocate and a public voice on matters of common interest for school boards and to develop and support the role of board trustees, pending full participation of all current school boards within the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.


2.            That Nova Central School Board supports a new funding model for the reconstituted NLSBA that includes the following fee payments from its member boards:


a.            50% of the operational budget of NLSBA would be covered by fees shared equally between the Western Board and the Central Board;

b.            50% of the operational budget of NLSBA would be covered by fees shared between the Eastern Board, the Labrador Board and the French Board, with the Eastern Board responsible for 40% and the Labrador and French Boards responsible for 10%;

c.            that within the 40% cost to the Eastern Board, that board would receive credit for an in-kind contribution for housing NLSBA.


3.            Given that Treasury Board already provides NLSBA with a grant for services the area of labor relations that districts can utilize, Nova Central School Board requests that NLSBA, in conjunction with the Board Chairs and Directors, undertake discussions with the President of Treasury Board to develop a plan to use these funds in the establishment of an appropriate labor relations service outside the direct purview of NLSBA, and that this undertaking would occur immediately.


Motion:            to accept the 3 motions with respect to the future of NLSBA as presented.  (T. Brown/Pritchett).  Carried.


5.            Correspondence – no correspondence was presented at this meeting.


6.         New Business


            6.1.l            Professional Development Program (Charlie McCormack) – deferred.


            6.1.2            PISA Assessment Results (Charlie McCormack) – deferred


7.         Closed Session - deferred


8.         Date of Next Meeting


The next regular meeting of the Board will be held on February 22, 2005 at the Grand Falls/Windsor office.


9.            Adjournment


Motion:           to adjourn the meeting at 10:00 PM  (Pritchett).  Carried.




_________________________                                              ________________________

William Sceviour                                                                       Claudine Wells

Chair                                                                                        Recorder

